your life


Abortion is a medical procedure, so you owe it to yourself to get complete information.  We can discuss the different types of abortion procedures, the costs, and the risks associated with each procedure so you can have all the facts.  


Becoming a parent is a huge step.  We can walk you through the questions you'll need to answer as you consider this option, like, "Can I afford to be a parent?" or "Will I be able to stay in school?"


Making an adoption plan gives you lots of choices.  You can choose a family and choose how involved you want to be.  It's all up to you.  We can help you think through the issues and possibilities available to you.


Early Signs of Pregnancy

If your pregnancy test is positive, you have a decision to make.  Get the facts about your options before you decide.

Make an appointment to talk with the staff at Pregnancy Resource Center of Charlotte to talk through your options in a safe, confidential environment.

Pregnancy Testing and Abortion Options Pregnancy Resource Center of Charlotte


prompt  ·  respectful  ·  confidential
©2017 PRC Charlotte. The Pregnancy Resource Center of Charlotte is a non-profit organization providing limited medical services since 1982. Services are offered to women facing unintended pregnancies and all services free of charge.
PRC Charlotte does not perform or refer for abortions, nor arrange adoptions. Information on this website is for general education purposes only. Confidentiality is guaranteed, except as required by law.
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